Testimonial from Marianne - Clinic Denmark
I received this lovely testimonial today from one of the riders at the clinic I gave in Denmark early June. Thank you very much...

Uptown Girl visits the barn for the first time. 🐴😎
This week, Mum walked her in and out of the stables a few times each day and will continue to do the same thing for the next few weeks....

Uptown Girl has her first full body bath!
Over the past couple of months, Mum occasionally has been taking Uptown Girl to the horse wash area. Mum's wash is great, it's like a...

Special visits in Germany
Recently I had the privilege of spending 4 days with Classical Horse Trainer, Author and Lecturer, Anja Beran at her beautiful property...

Feed Time on the Tarp
Uptown Girl has upgraded to standing and walking all over the tarp. It makes lots of noise and she doesn't even blink an eye. What a...